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4 results for Torque Arm Rear Suspension

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Description: 65 - 70 Mustang TCI Rear 3 Link, Torque Arm Suspension Kit Introducing A Rear Toque Arm Suspenion Package For 65 - 70 Mustang Convertibles. This Package Is Designed To Lower The Stance Of Your...More Details »
Item #: 530-5102-03
Condition: New
FREE SHIPPING via Truck Freight to the 48 Contiguous US. Best to ship to a Commercial Business Address if Possible.
Price: $3,283.00
Sale: $2,955.00
Save: 10%
Save: $328.00
FREE SHIPPING on orders *$199 or more

Description: 65 - 70 Mustang TCI Rear Torque Arm (3 Link) Kit, WIDE TIRE VERSION, with Sub-Frame Connectors, Center Chassis Brace and Drive Shaft Safety Loop Kit Introducing A Rear Toque Arm 3 Link...More Details »
Item #: 530-5102-00-WT
Condition: New
FREE SHIPPING via Truck Freight to lower 48 states. Best to ship to a Commercial Business Address if Possible.
Price: $4,285.00
Sale: $3,882.00
Save: 9%
Save: $403.00
FREE SHIPPING on orders *$199 or more

Description: 65 - 70 Mustang TCI Rear 3 Link, Torque Arm Suspension Kit Introducing A Rear Toque Arm Suspenion Package For 65 - 70 Mustang Fastbacks Or Coupes. This Package Is Designed To Lower The Stance...More Details »
Item #: 530-5102-00
Condition: New
FREE SHIPPING via Truck Freight to the 48 Contiguous US. Best to ship to a Commercial Business Address if Possible.
Price: $3,283.00
Sale: $2,955.00
Save: 10%
Save: $328.00
FREE SHIPPING on orders *$199 or more

Description: 64 -70 Mustang TCI 4 Link Rear Suspension, Plain Links, for 9 inch rear end The NEW TCI Triangulated 4 Link Rear Suspension Kit for the Classic 65 66 67 68 69 70 Mustang allows for a lower...More Details »
Item #: 530-5105-00
Condition: New
This Item Ships Oversize due to box dimensions. Shipping calculated during checkout.
Price: $2,185.00
Sale: $1,967.00
Save: 10%
Save: $218.00

Items 1-4 of 4

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